Ep. 87: A Letter to the 55%

EQ: How did we go from the Woke White Women Movement that embraced BLM and rejected PSL in April to 55% of White women voting for Trump in November? 

We start this episode trying to build our empathy for all the basic white women out there by taste testing pumpkin spice flavored thing. We then launch into a discussion how shameful it is that white voters STILL vote for Trump DESPITE the last four years. As hhhwhite women ourselves (or white passing in Megan’s case), we feel especially convicted to “get our girls.” Ultimately, this conversation boils down to the fact that white women MUST do better and we cannot let our foot off the gas just because Biden is elected.

Jumps on soapbox: Equity is not a hat that you wear. Where you do a couple posts on your social media, read a book, and then you can walk away from it for the rest of the week, thinking you checked the box. It is simply not enough. Equity should be a value you carry with yourself all of the time. It should be a part of you and how you walk through life. Steps off soapbox

Related Sources:

Champagne & Real Pain:

🥂 The Judges who have absolutely no patience for the ridiculous lawsuits the Trump campaign is filing. Read the transcripts, they’re great.

👎🏻 The Texas Lieutenant Governor who offered up $1 million to anybody that could come forward with proof of election fraud… BUT a Champagne for the PA Lieutenant Governor who came back with the best tweet in response!

Do your fudging HW:

  • Megan & Hope: DO THE WORK.