Ep. 169: Seatbelts & Cinnamon Rolls--an IWL 2023 Year InReview

EQ: What wild and unexpected twists did the journey of 2023 throw at us?

This year has turned out to be a ton of “buckle up” moments as we faced some bumpy roads. In many cases we re still holding on for dear life. In contrast, we had moments of sweet goodness that offered moments of respite and escape. These were our cinnamon rolls.

Ep. 144: The Year of Charcuterie

Essential Question: To what extent is 2023 the year of charcuterie? 

In this episode Hope sticks to her beliefs that charcuterie boards are white supremacy, but she concedes that if you take out the whiteness from the experience, then maybe they are okay after all. Listen and laugh at this silly new year episode. 

A Few Related Links:

Cultures that have things on boards/equivalents

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • When life hands you lemons, slice them up and add them to your charcuterie board!

Ep. 143: Goals, Red Cards & Other Superlatives

EQ: In the game of life, who scored an epic goal and who deserves to be ejected from the game in 2022? 

This final episode of 2022 we give a nod to the World Cup by recounting the year’s triumphs and tribulations in soccer terms. Special thanks to all the listeners who contributed their ideas for who to card, who earned the Golden Boot award, and who was the player of the year.

PS—forgive us for any misused terms. We tried.