Ep. 161: On Burn Out, Trans Rights Advocacy, and Youth Allyship w/ Stella Keating

EQ: What can we learn from trans youth about advocacy and allyship in 2023?

Guest: Stella Keating, a special guest with her mother on Ep 33. “Shut Up & Listen to Youth Voices”

In this episode, we catch up with Stella Keating about her life, her advocacy work, and what she believes are the pressing issues facing the LGBTQ+ community, specifical trans folks. She also share her perspective on activism and the how to be a better ally.

Resources Referenced:

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Hope: Lavender Rights Project in Seattle–Black trans women (legal support & housing justice)

  • Megan: 17% percent turn out–vote and be aware of the calendar–local elections matter!

  • Stella: go to olympia!

Ep. 126: How and Why the Baddies Are Winning

Essential Question: How is the right leveraging social and economic conditions to pass such $h!* legislation (aka how and why are the baddies winning)?

Across the country bills are being passed that is limiting/censoring educators more and more. We have seen this with the CRT debate, Book Banning, and today’s topic, anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. In today’s episode we discussed the high profile cases everyone should be paying attention to but also why initiatives in smaller states matter too. This whole episode deserves one giant shame bell rung from start to finish.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Megan: Educate yourself about what’s happening & check out the links above. Donate money to organizations who are fighting these bills. Contact your members of Congress!

  • Hope: HCR ad “Let Us Play” will bring tears to your eyes; Facing History