Ep. 150: Fake It Until You Make it & Other Imposter Struggles

EQ: How does the intersection of different identities and societal expectations contribute to the development and experience of imposter syndrome?


  • Crissy Calera, educator and former guest on Episode 98 our #readlessbasic book club episode on Caste, 

  • A new fresh face is the talented, provocative Mr. Israel Calera aka. Izy.

Today’s episode is brought to us by the New Yorker article Why Everyone Feels Like They’re Faking It. We define the idea of imposter syndrome, including it’s perhaps surprising origins. We explore the role of upbringing and family in developing our sense of acceptance, belonging, and search for community. As always, we consider the roles of gender dynamics, racial implications and socialization.

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Hope: Read “Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome”; Dunning-Kruger Effect

  • Megan: reflect on your spaces–where you feel is your most authentic self? Then consider places you have power to create/replicate this feeling for others

  • Izy: Looking for areas where you can relieve someone from feeling like an imposter; encourage someone else by being vulnerable

  • Doug: Try to put yourself in other people’s shoes & support them in their “thing”

  • Crissy: Spend time in building self-confidence and self-affirmation; make a list of your successes and accomplishments